

Field Marketing Campaigns for Appliances and Technology Sector

We provide comprehensive in-store management, activating Merchandising, In-Store Promotion (B2B) services, and liaising with store personnel to inform them of planned campaigns or training activities (coaching) within chains and specialized CE retail outlets.



Target audience engagement with ambassadors




Functionality Demonstrations




Sampling Distribution



  • Guiding the Consumer into the Product's World

    Our highly trained and specialized Ambassadors engage the consumer and "tell the story" of the product: Ambassadors become the voice of the Brand.

Consumer-Centric Initiatives

We handle presentations, product functionality demonstrations, sampling, and design and activate offline/online contests and distribution of vouchers and gifts, always with a focus on customer experience, creating a bond between the consumer and the product.


To ensure clear, informed, accurate, and empathetic communication, our HR Team carefully selects our collaborators, assessing skills and affinity to the sector.


We provide detailed training and thorough debriefing to ensure Ambassadors have real product knowledge, including technical aspects, to answer any questions and excel in Brand presentation.

The Ambassador becomes an added value to the campaign, an informed and competent point of contact between the Brand and consumers.

servizio di promozione in store per elettrodomestici

We oversee shelf spaces and ensure the best product visibility


We ensure products are always present, organized, and highly visible through activities such as:

  • reshelving
  • assortment checks
  • rack jobbing

Our teams of store accounts and merchandisers monitor and manage shelves, activate promotional initiatives, interact, and conduct training activities dedicated to department heads and store personnel. We can advise on building ideal planograms according to specific needs.


A highly specialized service to highlight the product and capture the attention of potential buyers.

POP Materials

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Being highly visible is crucial to attracting the attention of potential buyers; hence, we create visibility material for the promotional campaign, starting from concept, managing production and movement, and overseeing installation and retrieval.


Promotional support material is always personalized to be on target and responsive to the project's needs and available spaces in the Consumer Electronics channel: from concept and graphics to production with trusted and long-standing partners.


Run Faster: Digital Monitoring and Management Tool

dashboard monitoraggio

Every activity we undertake is supported by Runner Marketing's Campaign Manager Tool, a customizable digital solution based on client needs.


Run Faster enables real-time monitoring of activities in CE channel retail outlets, verifies data during and at the end of the campaign, and shares images and documents within a dedicated client portal.


Learn more on the in-depth page.


Contact us to develop your campaign

Do you have questions or are you interested in our services? Fill out the form and send your information request.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.


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